
Showing posts from November, 2023

Genetics of Europeans❌

Ethiopian Jew Genetics!❌

A study by Lucotte and Smets has shown that the genetic father of  B eta Israel  (Ethiopian Jews) was close to the Ethiopian non-Jewish populations. This is consistent with the theory that Beta Israel are descendants of ancient inhabitants of Ethiopia, not the Middle East. "These data, together with those reported elsewhere (Ritte et al. 1993a,1993b; Hammer et al. 2000) suggest that the Ethiopian Jews acquired their religion without substantial genetic admixture from Middle Eastern peoples and that they can be considered an ethnic group with essentially a continental African genetic composition." A 2021 paper analyzing 1,214 individuals from 68 different Ethiopian ethnic groups, found that Ethiopian Semitic speakers sampled such as Beta Israel, were most ...

Genomic Legacy of OOA Human Populations! ❌

 Genetic studies on all other populations outside of africa not mentiond General Evolutionary Studies: Modern Africans are genetically differentiated from other populations in the world, and do not constitute the OOA populations direct ancestors as they are divergent lineages. It is a false idea that Modern Africans are ancestral to non-African populations and are some how "less evolved" than other human groups. 🔗 Human evolutionary genomics: ethical and interpretive issues - PMC ( In 2021 Americans/Siberia: Native Americans were found to have ~33% of their ancestry derived from Ancient North Eurasians. 🔗 "Great Surprise"—Native Americans Have West Eurasian Origins (

Genetic History of the Middle East! ❌

Studies and data on Arabs, Levantines, Anatolians, and Western Asians Industries Coon's thoughts, I remember you telling me different Natufian skulls had different dominant traits by archeoligical site: "Morphologically, this skull is perfectly European and belongs Without question to the general Upper Palaeolithic type. It would also fit metri.. cally into the female range for this group. It would, however, fit equally well into the North African series of Afalou bou Rummel, except that it is somewhat narrower nosed than the females of that group as known at present. 11 In the absence of data on Palestinian Aurignacian crania, one may suppose that the Aurignacian Upper Palaeolithic Neanderthal-sapiens hybrid developed in this neighborhood from Skhul-like beginnings, and that this Erg el Ahmar female is a survival of it. The skulls from the later Natufian period, while exceedingly numerous, remain dubiously classified because of several conflicting ideas about them which have...

Genetics of African Hunter-Gatherer Groups! ❌

 Data on Khoisan, Pygmy, Hadza, Sandawe and other relevant groups will be here. Y-Chromosome Data Genetic structure and sex‐biased gene flow in the history of southern African populations - PMC ( mtDNA data A lack of L0f in Khoisan, it was attributed to back migration of pastoralists. Human origins in a southern African palaeo-wetland and first migrations ( Autosomal Data Genetic Ancestry of Hadza and Sandawe Peoples Reveals Ancient Population Structure in Africa | Genome Biology and Evolution | Oxford Academic ( “Hunting and gathering was the only lifeway practiced in southern Africa until approximately 2000 years ago. Previous studies have suggested that at that time, a herding gr...

History of Prehistoric Archeological Industries! ❌

Will be archiving studies, pics and data from old populations from around the world African Industries: Nazler Khater 🔗 The inner ear of Nazlet Khater 2 (Upper Paleolithic, Egypt) - PubMed ( 🔴Aterians 🔴Neolithic Libya/Southern Maghreb In 2002, described 3 human remains from amekni rock in south algeria, there was neolithic sudanese pottery, and the three humans were described as "negroid".  🔗 A Dictionary of Archaeology - Google Books In 2006, 3 Acasus Hunter-Gatherers were having Dental morphology and morphometry more akin to Sub-Saharan Africans. 🔗 (PDF) Mobility and kinship in the prehistoric Sahara: Strontium isotope analysis of Holocene human skeletons from the Acacus Mts. (southwestern Libya). BY M. Tafuri, R. A. Bentley et al | Dalia Pokutta - In 2015, the small sample from Takaroki, was...

The Origins of West African and Bantu Peoples! ❌

Finally, can't wait to share some information here, coming fam, as well as some civilization overviews and data of niger-congo peoples Population Data from Linguistics: The origin or “homeland” of this process is generally believed to be near the border of Nigeria and Cameroon. 🔗 Phylogeographic analysis of the Bantu language expansion supports a rainforest route - PMC ( Population Data from Anthropology: In 2008, the 7 Gobero fossils showed similarities with mid-Holocene inhabitants of the Southern Sahara, as well as late Pleistocene and early Holocene inhabitants of the Maghreb. They were by their skeletal analysis deemed robust akin to "Mechtoids" of Mali and Mauretania, Iberomarusians and Capsians of the Maghreb. 🔗 Lakeside Cemeteries in the Sahara: 5000 Years of Holocene Population and Environmental Change | PLOS ONE 🔗 Archaeology of the Green Sahara - NigerHeritage Based on dental evidence, Irish (2016) concluded: Proto-Bantu peoples may have originated i...

Ancient Egypt Race and Ethnicity Discussions! ❌

Here will be information and quotes and research from a number of historical and more contemporary researches as to the long lasting controversy of the issue of the Egyptian race. Included as well will be depictions of Ancient Egyptians, or figures associated with the civilization as rendered by their contemporaries. References by Greco-Roman Writers: Hesiod wrote: "Black people resided not in the Nile valley but in a far land, by the fountain of the sun’, or where the sun ‘goes to and fro'" 🔗 “The Aethiopianss say that their gods have flat noses and black skins, while the Thracians say that theirs have blue eyes and red hair. Yet if cattle or horses or lions had hands and could draw, And could sculpt like men, then the horses would draw their gods Like horses, and cattle like cattle; and each they would shape Bodies of gods in the likeness, each kind, of their own.” 🔗 Xenophane...